Friday Favorites – Running Addition

TGIF! I didn’t have off from work for President’s Day this week (I’m still jealous of you lucky ones who did!), but the week still went by pretty quickly! A lot of my workouts and free time revolved around running. That being so, here’s some of my favorite parts from the week:

If you had a chance to read my little blog recently, then you know that I signed up for a 5k! 3.1 miles isn’t a very long distance, but being a girl that has only really ran for myself, it’s a great way to break into the racing world. I signed up for the Guts and Glory 5k and the proceeds benefit the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America. The best part, the race is down the shore! So I”ll take a mini vacation to go and run it 🙂

guts and glory

This week I created a rather MASSIVE to-do list. It may be nerdy, but I really enjoy creating to-do lists. I broke this one down into 4 different categories; fitness, blogging, career, and miscellaneous. There are way too many tasks that I need to get going on under each header if you ask me. But it makes me feel more organized and I’m more likely to complete things if it is on a list…mostly because I like crossing them off! Under “fitness” I have listed that I want to find a running training plan and also sign up for 2 more races.

to-do list

After yesterday’s post, I decided that I needed to invest in a foam roller. You guys gave me a bunch of positive feedback on the wonders of rolling, so I want in! I did a little research and decided this one is best for me. Cannot wait for it to come in the mail!

I choose the 3' one, it seemed like the most versatile option.

I choose the 3 foot long one, it seemed like the most versatile option.

I loved receiving that awesome swag bag of goodies from Christine at Life Happens earlier in the week. It came with a Women’s Health Training Guide for 2013. I have been reading it on the train in the morning and it has given me some great new exercises to try like a butterfly sit-up. It has also opened up a whole new can of worms…receiving TONS of workout advice from my random train seat mates. Thank you train-goers for all the random Yoga DVD suggestions, thoughts on my diet, and other detailed fitness advice. I mean I was just trying to read my book…but I think you were reading my book too! Never a dull moment on the train.

How did I never think to try this out before?

How did I never think to try this out before?

Yesterday’s healthysELF challenge was to make a green smoothie. So last night I got in my HIIT workout, then made this juice to refuel. It included basil, mixed greens, cucumber, kiwi and an orange. Really loved the basil taste!

juice ingredients

And as a bonus favorite, my February Bulu Box finally came! And I love it 🙂 I’m mostly looking forward to the double cheesy kale chips! If you want a break down of the products, Brooke at Running in Heels wrote a review that you should check out!

February goodies!


Do you like to choose races in other cities so you can get a little traveling in?

Do you find making to-do lists to be helpful?

What were some of your Friday favorites?