I Probably Shouldn’t be a Blogger… but I Love it!

I think when I told my boyfriend that I was going to start a blog he was truly surprised. I can’t say that I blame him, I am probably the most least likely person to start a blog, and here’s 3 reasons why:

  • What is computer? I have the technological capabilities of a 90-year-old woman. I have no idea about coding or html and I don’t have tons of patience to sit down and learn. I actually just joined the world of Macs and am constantly asking my coworkers to help me find my own files on my computer. And it takes me about an hour to copy and paste or share documents with others through email or on a server. I actually have the IT guy’s phone number in my cell and shamelessly flirt with him so he’ll come and fix things for me. I’m not proud of it, but for the life of me I don’t know how to hook up a printer to a computer.
Props to my girl Sarah at yugendefined who helped me with a header, otherwise you'd all still be looking at this atrocity!

Props to my girl Sarah at yugendefined who helped me with a header, otherwise you’d all still be looking at this atrocity! Tell me you didn’t love the blurry pics?!

  • I am an extremely private person. For the most part I try to keep my posts just about workouts, products, and recipes. I hope I start to feel comfortable enough to start sharing about my personal life, but I’m really just very private. In fact, I think I’ve perfected the art of having someone else think they know me without actually having to share too much about myself. I’m pretty good at asking questions and getting people to open up to me, but have a difficult time opening up in exchange back. It’s something I’m working on and I think blogging is helping me with it
  • I have a busy schedule. We all do. Blogging takes a pretty decent amount of time for me, mostly because of reason one.

Now that I’ve told you some of the reasons why I am an unlikely blogger, let me tell you some of the reasons why I love blogging:

  • Becoming a part of the blogging community means constantly learning. You guys are constantly posting awesome healthy recipes, reviews of great restaurants, and how you stay fit on-the-go. It really is inspiring. Plus now I have an ever growing list of things I need to do, make, and try! And I can’t forget to mention how fun it is entering giveaways and getting the opportunity to try new products. Blogging opened up my eyes to so many new and unique trending things; whereas I will admit that previously I had lived under a rock. It was a nice cozy rock, but a rock just the same.

    A giveaway I recently won, a case of lentil chips. So fun!

    A giveaway I recently won, a case of lentil chips. So fun!

  • The support is outrageous! If someone posts about how they’re feeling under the weather, everyone floods them with tons of comments wishing them well and volunteering recipes for their grandmother’s cure-all chicken noodle soup. It’s really amazing to me.  I waited so long to start blogging because I was worried that A- no one would care about my posts and B- that I’d be judged. That is just not the case though. You guys are ridiculously encouraging!
  • Blogging is a way for me to keep myself accountable. It’s almost like I’m keeping a health journal and you guys are kind enough to keep giving me the push to keep going along with it.

I think what I’m trying to say is that I love this bloggy thing. I started it as an outlet for my sanity, talking about things that really matter to me and not letting myself get lost in the every day hustle and bustle. I wasn’t sure how successful I would be at it or if I’d even keep up with it. I’m three  months in now and even though I may bore the crap out of you guys sharing what I had for lunch, I think I’ll keep at it 🙂 Thanks bloggy friends, you guys are the best!

P.S. my parents still have no idea that I have a blog. They think I’m a weirdo who constantly likes taking pictures of their food. My mom also thinks I have somehow gotten myself into “the vitamin circuit” (what does that even mean?!) as I’ve been getting a lot of health food and vitamins to try in the mail. Interesting…


When you started blogging, did you share it with everyone or keep it private?

Why do you blog?