Liebster Award and Lots of Fun Random Facts!

The wonderfully witty Bethany over at The Classy Bee and the fantastically fit Kimberly at My LiveFit Life have nominated me for a blogging award that’s dedicated to all of us newbie bloggers out there! And I am stoked! I’m not saying I’m a big deal or anything…but people know me (my parents, my 3 friends, potentially the mailman).

liebster award

So here’s the scoop on the award:

1. This award is given to new or up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers.

2. The award is then passed along to other bloggers in the same category to help spread the word and support one another.

3.  Each blogger should post 11 random facts about themselves.

4. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you, then create 11 new questions for the bloggers you pass the award to.

5. Choose 11 new bloggers (with less than 200 followers) to pass the award to and link them in your post.

6. Go back to their page and tell them about the award.

7. No tag backs.

My 11 random facts, brace yourself:

1.) If you’re one of my 5 readers out there, you may have noticed I have a borderline unhealthy obsession with pandas.

2.) I’m related to two signers of the Declaration of Independance (what! what! John Hart and Benjamin Rush)

3.) I took singing lessons for years and am classically trained. I sang at The Academy of Music with a select choir back in the good ol’ days of high school.

4.) I am convinced that I have abnormally small pinkie fingers.

What's the verdict, people?

What’s the verdict, people?

5.) I have been collecting Holiday Barbie Christmas ornaments and dolls since before I can remember. The ornaments are a staple on my family’s Christmas tree and the dolls have a nice cozy spot in the attic (for whenever that “someday” ever comes that they’ll be worth something).

6.) I have never dyed my hair.

7.) I don’t actually like chocolate (I know, gasp!) unless you count white chocolate…and I’m not really one for dessert either. Could I just have some nachos instead, please?

8.) I think I would make an excellent hippie. No one else agrees. I like the music and the fashion though…

9.) I have never broken a bone but I split my lip open on Father’s day at the ripe old age of two when I jumped off a chair with a bottle in my mouth. I was a bit on the rowdy side…

10.) I haven’t parallel parked since the driving test. I should probably follow this up with the fact that I hate driving, but love my car affectionately named “Topless Roxy” she’s a convertible!

11.) I decided I needed to have my palm read one night while on South Street in Philly. I ended up in some lady’s kitchen in her scary apartment…and she assured me that I was going to have four kids. My best friend still won’t let me live this down.

Now, here’s the answers to Bethany’s questions! (I’ll be answering yours tomorrow, Kimberly!)

1. What do you do for a living? (keep it stalker free) I’m a lab manager doing cancer research at a university. Nerd status.

2. Why did you start blogging? Because I absolutely love food and fitness. I think my close friends are sick of me talking about the weird recipes and workouts I’m trying. But you, my wonderful readers, are my captive audience!

3. What are your top 2 hobbies (other than working out)? Reading and I LOVE game nights. Cranium anyone?!

4. “Hello, Buddy the Elf, what’s your favorite color?” Teal and all variations thereof.

5. Where was your favorite vacation of all time? I can honestly say I’m not very well traveled…Disney World? Someone take me to Ireland/Greece/Italy!

6.  How many siblings do you have? One older brother, he’s pretty great!

7.  What is your most embarrassing moment? Dear lord I have no idea. Let’s see…the 6th grade talent show I was in a coordinated boy band dance and I was supposed to do a round-off in the middle of it and instead landed on my back/butt…in front of the entire school. So there’s that…

8. Favorite movie of all time? Gone With the Wind. I’m a sap.

9. Who is the celebrity that you stalk, but are mildly ashamed to admit it? Well, I really enjoy looking at Gerard Butler, but I have no shame about this 😉

10. How many speeding tickets have you gotten? Zero! Now everyone please knock on wood…

11. Have you ever punched someone in the face? I don’t think so…but I’m prepared!

My nominees *Not sure if  you guys have under 200 followers or not, but either way you all deserve it!*

Running in Heels


Snack Therapy

Cinnamon & Cilantro

Scientifically Delicious

Lessons Life Teaches Me

Cookie Dough Katzen

JSResults Blog

My 11 Questions:

1.) If you could be any fictional character, who would you be?

2.) What’s your “death-row” meal?

3.) What’s the one adjective that begins with the first letter of your name that you would describe yourself as? (I’d be Lucky Leslee)

4.) If you had to go through life without one of your five senses, which would you choose to lose and what’s your reasoning?

5.) What’s your favorite form of cardio?

6.) What’s the one holiday that you go all out for?

7.) Do you have a good luck charm? If so, what is it!?

8.) City, country, or burbs?

9.) What’s your worst habit?

10.) What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning and the last thing you do before going to bed?

11.) If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would you choose?

If you read this post in its entirety, you are A- a dedicated blog follower, B- very knowledgable about my dorkiness and C- awesome! Have a great Tuesday, everyone 🙂