Quick Valentine’s Day Wish

Hey bloggy friends, I’ll keep this post short and sweet. Last night I got home from work at 8:20 and I was in bed by 8:30! I’m currently doing battle with a nasty cold and last night was phase one of operation don’t-be-sick-for-the-weekend. Phase two will commence today with, “take it easy at work” followed by phase three which is “spend Valentine’s day on the couch with takeout, try not to infect boyfriend.” I’m hoping to get better ASAP so I can actually celebrate Valentine’s in a more romantic capacity come Friday night or Saturday. Right now though, I’m showing some love to this Immuno gum that I got from my January Bulu box (cross your fingers that this stuff works!) and channeling my inner Dr. Oz (who I am assuming never gets sick…I mean he is Dr. Oz).

immuno gum

Hope everyone has a great Valentine’s day! ❤ Today’s healthysELF challenge is to tell someone (it can be anyone!) 3 reasons why you love them! So hop to that! Oh, and does anyone else miss giving and receiving Valentine’s day cards? You know, like back when you were in elementary school and you had to give one to every classmate and the best ones you received always had candy attached?

I actually gave these out one year...(source)

I actually gave these out one year…

And how many boxes of those conversation hearts did you receive? My mom still gets me a box almost every year. And the white ones were always my favorite!


Any special V-day plans?

Suggestions on ways to kick this cold fast?

What was your favorite candy heart flavor?