Easter Weekend Recap!

For all those celebrating, how was your Easter weekend?! Did you have some beautiful weather? Any egg hunts? Here’s a peek at how I spent it:

Friday night was the drive down the shore. I was definitely on my A game for picking the music for the ride. There was no rhyme or reason to the music selection, just lots of fun and very random songs. I made Jim endure many things including my amazing mouth guitar to Metallica’s “Enter Sandman,” my frequent need to bust a move in my car seat (usually I was doing the robot), and forcing him to sing a duet with me to “Ain’t no Mountain High Enough” where I insisted I wanted to sing the man’s part. Oddly, Jim did not know the girl’s part (annoying) so it was mostly me belting the whole song.

When we arrived down the shore, we made it just in time for dinner. Because we weren’t eating any meat on Good Friday, we had lobster raviolis and tuna hoagies. However, I inhaled both, so there’s no picture for either of these. Oops ๐Ÿ™‚ After dinner we played one of my favorite games ever – a big game of multi-person solitaire where everyone can play on each other’s cards. It usually ends up with some serious card slamming to try and beat the other people to put your six of hearts down first.


Don’t let the tameness of this photo fool you, the game was almost over here otherwise I would’ve never had a chance to snap a photo!

Saturday morning I slept in until about 9am then geared up and headed out for a beach run! The weather was beautiful, mid to upper 50s and sunny. I got in 3.5 beach miles. My pace was slower than usual, but I was also running in sand which was pretty difficult at times to do! It was great though, I felt really invigorated and even noticed my first signs of some sun – freckles!


When I got home, I had an awesome breakfast. Has anyone ever heard of scrapple? It’s a PA thing. But essentially it’s a breakfast meat that you slice up and pan fry and it tastes like heaven. Mushy on the inside, and crispy on the outside. That being said, no one ever reads the ingredient list on scrapple…if you did, you’d probably never eat it. It’s made up of different parts of a pig and we will just leave it at that.

Scrapple is the little squares, don't worry I stuck mostly to the fruit.

Scrapple is the little squares, don’t worry I stuck mostly to the fruit.

Then I got showered up and headed into town to do a little shopping. I ended up with a blue and white striped maxi dress that will end up making a cameo on the blog at some later point when we have warmer weather. I had to make sure I didn’t stay out shopping too long though, because I had just a few eggs waiting for me at home to dye.

Just over 7 dozen eggs, no big deal ;)

Just over 7 dozen eggs, no big deal ๐Ÿ˜‰

And with the help of my cousins, they came out really nicely!


That night I headed over to my cousin’s 7th birthday party. She got piles of cute clothing, princess legos, and I got to enjoy the make-your-own taco station. Yum. The Mexican themed dinner sparked this Mexican themed after-dinner drink!


The next morning I woke up to a windy and colder day. I decided to forgo another beach run in favor of a walk on the boardwalk. It sure was chilly! After the walk, I headed home and had Easter breakfast (a yummy cheesey, egg, sausage, and potato casserole) then got a shower and headed out for some miniature golf! No shore trip is complete without colorful golf balls and water obstacles!


All of that golfing had us work up an appetite, so we enjoyed some lunch at Mack N’ Mancos pizza! I got a slice of mushroom, and Jim had a slice of pepperoni and we shared a birch beer. Yum! This is the best pizza in the world. The end.


After lunch, we headed home and got cleaned up for Easter dinner! Every year we have a how-many-jellybeans-are-in-the-jar contest and I never, ever win…but that all changed this year!

There were 98 candies, I guessed 96 :) The lottery ticket was my prize.

There were 98 candies, I guessed 96 ๐Ÿ™‚ The lottery ticket was my prize.

Dinner was fantastic, but I didn’t feel like whipping my phone out after we all said grace, so I just enjoyed the meal of ham, asparagus, red cabbage, and pineapple bread stuffing without snapping photos like a weirdo in front of my fam. I’ll have a recipe for the stuffing coming up though…it’s delish! After dinner we had a tradition where we epper. Epper is essentially where you take a dyed egg and you hold it in one hand and someone else uses another egg and tries to smash your egg. The winner at the end has the egg that hasn’t been broken and gets a prize. We end up with a lot of eggs that look like this:


After dinner, Jim and I headed home from the beach and straight to bed. All the fun from the ย weekend wore us out!

Oh and one last fun thing! Jim and I exchange Easter baskets each year, and for the last couple of years I have requested we do “healthy Easter baskets” because I really don’t need an entire basket full of candy. Here they are:

His & Hers baskets

His & Hers baskets

That’s all folks! ๐Ÿ˜‰


Do you get an Easter basket each year?

What are some of your Easter traditions?

What activity must you do every time you take a shore trip?