Leslee’s first WIAW!

Week after week I’ve been drooling over my computer keyboard at work reading your WIAW posts. I’ve decided I want in on the fun, so here goes my first What I Ate Wednesday post! Big thanks to Jenn at Peas and Crayons for hosting 🙂


I started off my morning like I do every other morning, with a shot of Pomegranate juice. It tastes great AND prevents heart disease! I drink it as I’m running out the door to go drive to the train station, gotta love a morning commute!

This picture is mostly just to show you that I have flowers and only a little to show you that I drank the juice...

This picture is mostly just to show you that I have flowers and only a little to show you that I drank the juice…

Then once I got to work, I started up my experiment for the day, and when I had a an incubation period in my experimental protocol, I sat down and enjoyed me some good old Bob’s Red Mill Steel-Cut oats topped with strawberries, blueberries, flax, coconut, and a little PB2. Never get’s old when you keep changing around the toppings!

Yes I am drinking out of a Solo cup, at least I can pretend I'm having a party at my desk...

Yes I am drinking out of a Solo cup, at least I can pretend I’m having a party at my desk…

Lunch was an Italian pita sandwich that was filled with goodies that I picked up at The Reading Terminal Market this past weekend. We have some arugula, hot soppresatta, bean sprouts, fresh mozzarella, basil, baked chicken, and a dollop of pesto.

It looks like a bean sprout sandwich but I promise all that good stuff is inside there!

It looks like a bean sprout sandwich but I promise all that good stuff is inside there!

I served it up with a side of sautéed rosemary and brown sugar brussel sprouts

I eat off such classy cafeteria fare. Jealous of my paper towel napkin and plastic fork?

I eat off of such classy cafeteria fare. Jealous of my paper towel napkin and plastic fork?

And I topped off my lunch with some carrots and seven spice hummus!


As an afternoon snack…when I was really dragging….I nommed on some of the trail mix I threw together last night. It has dried apple slices, craisins, pecans, almonds, peanuts, white chocolate chips, coconut, and somehow magically a few stray jelly beans made their way into my snack baggie 😉

Can you find the candy stow-away? :)

Can you find the candy stowaway? 🙂

I had a particularly long day at work yesterday, so after hopping off the train I hightailed it straight to the gym. Because of the late gym session, I didn’t end up getting home to eat dinner until 8:30, so I kept it light with a bowl of Italian escarole bean soup. It looks like watery gruel…tastes like liquid comfort. Bonus: it used up my humungous head of escarole that I haven’t been using.

After I took the picture I loaded it up with an OBSCENE amount of Parmesan cheese

After I took the picture I loaded it up with an OBSCENE amount of Parmesan cheese

After dinner I was exhausted so no dessert for me….my dessert was the extra half hour of sleep I got, yay!


Do you like to eat something that looks gross but tastes amazing?

Ever make your own trail mix? What do you include in it?

Tell me your favorite eat from this week!