Zucchini and Sweet Potato Rosemary Fries

Ever get stuck in a food rut? I find that I’ve been eating a lot of the same things lately. I eat a lot of hummus with veggies/pita and fruit for snacks. And then when it comes to dinner side dishes, I usually have a salad and maybe some green beans or cooked carrots. Boring. So I decided to spice up my dinner last night with these fries on a whim, and they turned out pretty well 🙂

Zucchini and Sweet Potato Rosemary Fries:

1/2 cup flour

2 tsp. course salt (I used Kosher)

2 tsp. fresh ground pepper

2 large eggs

1 cup panko bread crumbs

1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese

1 tbsp. chopped fresh rosemary

1 medium-sized zucchini (about 1 lb)

2 medium-sized sweet potatoes (about 2 lbs)


Preheat the oven to 425 degrees. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper. Get out three bowls. In one bowl add flour, 1 tsp salt, and 1 tsp pepper. In the next, put your eggs, 1/2 tsp salt, and 1/2 tsp pepper. Scramble the egg mix up well. In the final bowl put the bread crumbs, cheese, rosemary, and the last 1/2 tsp of salt and 1/2 tsp of pepper. Next peel your sweet potatoes and cut them up into strips/wedges like french fries. Do not peel the zucchini, but cut it into strips as well. Then go through an assembly line putting your veggies first in the flour mix, then move onto the egg scramble, and finally your bread crumbs. Repeat this until all your veggies are coated. Place them on the lined baking sheets and bake for 15 minutes or until golden brown.

Fries before baking

Fries before baking

Both of the different veggie fries ended up tasting good, but the sweet potato fries were my favorite. I liked the contrast of the sweet taste with the crunchy coating. I ended up eating the fries with some blue cheese mixed with hot sauce for dipping and had a caprese salad as well. You could definitely dip the fries in hummus or a ranch dressing if you’d rather something more mild. I just like hot sauce…on everything.

Finished Product!

Finished Product!

As an added bonus, this recipes makes a bunch of fries! So I have some for tonight’s dinner. Leftovers for the win!


How do you cure food ruts?

Whats your favorite dinner side dish?

Do you eat leftovers? (Some crazy people I’ve met don’t)