Liebster Award Part 2 and Workouts Thus Far

Half way through the work week people! Is anyone else already thinking about the weekend? I usually say Wednesday is the day of the week where it becomes socially acceptable to start asking your coworkers about what their upcoming weekend plans are going to be. Mondays you ask how their weekend was, and Tuesday…does anyone actually even like Tuesdays? So what’s on par for everyones weekend? Do you get MLK day off too?

As promised, today I am going to answer Kimberly’s  11 questions as a part of my second nomination for the Liebster award. Okay, here it goes:

1. What is your pet peeve? Utensils clinking and scratching across dinner plates and yellow school buses are my arch nemesis.

2. Do you workout at home or the gym? Both! I love hitting up the gym but it is still entirely too crowded right now so I’ve only been going on off hours. Insanity DVDs, Zumba, and pilates have been my at-home go-tos.

3. Your favorite cheat meal? Something with a lot of cheese. Do cheese fries and nachos count as a meal?

4. Sweet or savory? Savory forever and ever, amen.

5. Favorite tv show? Currently, Sons of Anarchy. But back in the day it was Boy Meets World. In fact, look what I got for Christmas:

Someone, please, for the love of all things delicious, please get me season 5!!

Pictured: seasons 1,2,3,4 and 6. Someone, please, for the love of all things delicious, get me season 5!! How does this even happen?!

6. Who is your hero? My grandmother.

7. What is your favorite healthy food? Edamame or caprese salad.

8. What is your favorite workout type? Solo, usually some weight training followed by killer cardio.

9. How do you cope with stress? I workout, take bubble baths, and cuddle. Music helps too.

10. How do you relax? In all different ways, but I can gaurantee you that sweatpants will be involved.

11. Your most embarrassing moment? Well I’m not saying that I was under the influence of wine or anything, but I may have hurt my finger very badly and announced that I needed to go to the finger hospital (it’s possible such a place totally exists). I’m sure no one has this on their cellphone video camera or anything either.

Welp, I think that’s it for me and questionnaires for a little while. Now onto what I’ve been up to workout-wise! Sunday I hit up the gym at noon and it wasn’t busy, hallelujah! I worked on my core with a myriad of crunches, the ab slide, and pilates moves. Then I got in a two mile run and switched up the pace and incline a bit too, definitely kept it interesting and had me reaching for my water bottle by the end of it. Then Monday night was another Insanity night with the Cardio Recovery DVD. That involved a lot of yoga, different planks, and squats but all at a slightly slower pace. Still broke a legitimate sweat though so that works for me!

One of the many Insanity exercises I was doing, a plank to work those obliques, easy enough :)

One of the many Insanity exercises I was doing, a plank to work those obliques, easy enough 🙂

Tuesday I took the night off to have dinner with a friend. I’ll be hitting up the gym hard tonight for leg night to make up for it though!


What are some of your pet peeves?

How many rest days do you try to get into your week?