Friday Favorites (4/5/13)

TGIF boys and girls! This week wasn’t actually that bad, it went by pretty quickly! I’m very excited to start enjoying my weekend, so let’s hope today at work goes by just as quickly as the other days. Let’s dive right into my Friday favorites!


Since I was down the shore this past weekend, I didn’t get a chance to do any food prep for my lunches this week. This was both bad and good. Bad because I didn’t have any nice well rounded lunches waiting for me each day, but good in that I got to go out for lunch on Wednesday 😉 I convinced a couple of coworkers to venture over to Chinatown for some authentic Chinese. We ended up at a Szechuan place. I shared cumin lamb and the Chinese version of crazy hot (covered in chili peppers) popcorn chicken with my coworker. Not my healthiest lunch, but it’s alright. I got in a run that night.


All the different sponges and mushrooms (?) for sale in one of the Chinese grocery stores I ventured into.

I woke up Thursday with some sore legs because of said Wednesday night run, so I decided to wear my Pro Compression socks to work. Best. Idea. Ever! Yes, I do realize I am wearing Ugg moccasins as my work footwear. Judge away, but I was walking on clouds throughout the day. And yes it is totally normal to take selfies of your feet, come on people get on my level! Just kidding, don’t, I’m a weirdo.


Two days this week I decided to sleep in. By sleep in, I mean I woke up to my 6am alarm, walked into the bathroom, noticed my hair was somewhat presentable and that I could get away without taking a shower, and went back to sleep for another 20 minutes. Confession, one of those days was Thursday morning. Let’s back track now, I went for a run Wednesday night, and got super sweaty. Woke up Thursday and decided my hair looked good. What?! Totally forgot about this fact when I decided it would be okay to go back to sleep without a shower.  Whelp, looks like I was going to have to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes that day. Oddly enough, Thursday was my best hair day of the entire week. I’m actually serious. I curled my hair up quickly and put in a head band and I was all tossled curls for work. The wonders of a headband!

Can we still be friends even though I forgot to shower after my run? I promise I'm not usually that forgetful! And pinky promise I didn't smell ;)

Can we still be friends even though I forgot to shower after my run? I promise I’m not usually that forgetful! And pinky promise I didn’t smell 😉

This week, we had a new member join the lab I work in. She came here all the way from China and brought presents with her, how thoughtful! I got a miniature painted screen and Chinese puppets made from calf skin. I have the screen on my desk at work, and I’m thinking of coming up with a DIY project for the puppets. There are four puppets and I think I may have them framed separately…and from there I am not sure. I thought they were really unique. I was doing some reading on how they are made, and it definitely is an intricate art form!

The puppets look similar to these.(source)

The puppets look similar to these.


Do you ever try to hide your compression socks under your normal clothing?

Do you have any really unique and unusual souvenirs from your travels?

Tell me one of your Friday favorites!