Insanity and Beet Juice!

So, I’m still avoiding the gym like the plague, but don’t worry I’m not using the newbie gym crowds as an excuse not to work out. In fact, over the last week I’ve been coming up with some pretty awesome home workout alternatives. For Christmas I asked for the Insanity DVDs and I gave them a go for the first time on Monday night with the fit test. You can check out what kind of workout that was like with Bethany at The Classy Bee. I consider myself to be relatively fit, I run and do cardio on average 5 times a week, but I was literally dying when I was finished. In fact, they ask you to keep track of how many of each exercise you can do in a given period of time during the DVD and I kept losing count because I was concentrating on my breathing so much!

The caption isn't lying...

The caption isn’t lying…


But, alas, I am a glutton for punishment and did the plyometric cardio circuit DVD last night. Two words: holy crap. I was all arms and legs in every direction. Shaun T the trainer kept saying “Dig deeper, you can do this! How does that feel?!” And I kept yelling back at him in my head that I felt like I was dying and there must be something wrong with my brain that I keep doing a billion suicides and jumping jacks. There is no false advertisement with Insanity, it actually is insane. But just like they say, no one ever regrets working out…

Me post insanity. No, I am not normally tomato red...

Me post insanity. No, I am not normally tomato red…

A great way to refuel after a workout like that is to juice. I didn’t have the ingredients on hand last night, so I just stuck to drinking glass after glass of water, but one of my favorite juices is this one:

Liquid fuel!

Liquid fuel!

Just put beets, cucumber, mango, pineapple, cantaloupe, and carrots into your juicer and then drink it down! I love how the beets give it a nice magenta color 🙂


Have you tried Insanity?

How do you recover after a workout?