Elliptical HIIT Workout and Workout Weirdos

Honestly, I do not like the elliptical. I think that I don’t really get a very good workout from it and I get bored. I feel like you hop on the elliptical when you want to put minimal effort in and still say you did cardio. I hadn’t touched the elliptical in months…until Tuesday night. I ran Monday (I usually run every other day) so the treadmill wasn’t an option for me. That left the arc trainer, which I love but was just not feeling, and the dreaded lame sauce elliptical. Whelp, I decided I was going to make the elliptical more exciting and came up with this HIIT workout on the fly.


The two keys to this being a difficult workout are setting your elliptical on a hills program and always keeping your speed at 5.5mph and above. The ellipticals at my gym are not fancy enough to allow you to change the incline you work at, so that is why I chose a hills program. If you have fancy ellipticals, A- I am jealous and B- you could totally have some fun messing around with the inclines instead of using a hills program.

SIDENOTE: When I was doing this workout, the girl on the elliptical next to me decided she was going to race me. I was like, is this real life?! She kept looking over at my machine stats and then pedaling furiously faster whenever I changed my settings. You, lady, are a wackadoodle. We were clearly doing two very different workouts, using very different elliptical programs…why are you trying to race me? Just watch Jeopardy and the news like the rest of us, please and thank you. End rant.


What are your thoughts on the elliptical?

Have you ever encountered a crazy next to you at the gym who has tried to race you?

What’s your gym pet peeve?